20th – 26th (excluding the weekend). A beginner’s five-day training course on drystane dyke building. The course will be free and there are five places available. It is anticipated that those wanting to participate will have a long term interest in drystane dyking and will be prepared to attend occasional subsequent higher level courses throughout the lifespan of ALPS, with attendees progressing through the various competence levels of the Drystone Dyke Walling Association.
Application form required. Please contact Elodie for further details.
Tenders invited for the construction of the South Coast Deer Fence, Applecross Wester Ross.
The Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme is seeking to construct 8 km of deer fence in the southern coastal area of the Applecross peninsula. Expressions of Interest for tendering for the work should be directed to Sam Bridgewater, Project Manager, Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme, East Wing, Applecross House, Applecross, IV54 8ND. Tel: (01520) 744482. Email: Detailed specifications for the job will be sent to interested parties. The deadline for tenders will be the 15st December 2010.
Sgeama Companas Dealbh-těre Na Comraich/Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme.
Bidh cothrom ann a dh' aithghearr cůnnradh fhaotainn fo Sgeama Companas Dealbh-těre Na Comraich gus cur air chois Sgoil Bhŕrdachd air a' Chomraich a cho-eagrachadh thairis air a' bhliadhna 2011/2012 fo iůil na buidhne taic Gŕidhlig ionadail Bealach. Bu chňir do neach sam bith aig a bheil suim anns an obair seo, tairgse a chur a-steach an toiseach gu: Sam Bridgewater, Manaidsear na Prňiseict, Sgeama Companas Dealbh-těre Na Comraich, An Leas-thaigh an Ear, Taigh na Comraich, A' Chomraich IV54 8ND. Fňn: (01520) 744 482. Post-dealain: Is e an ceann-latha airson ůidh a chur an cčill an 1mh dhen Damhair 2010, agus airson chůnnraidhean, an 21mh dhen Damhair 2010.
A contract opportunity will shortly become available under the Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme to coordinate the development of a Bardic School in Applecross during 2011/2012, guided by the local interest Gaelic group Bealach. Initial expressions of interest for tendering for this work should be directed to Sam Bridgewater, Project Manager, Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme, East Wing, Applecross House, Applecross, IV54 8ND. Tel: (01520) 744482. Email: Deadline for expressions of interest will be the 1st October 2010, and for tenders, the 21st October 2010.
Contract opportunities
The Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme (ALPS) is seeking to implement a significant programme of projects during 2010/2011 related to the conservation, restoration and celebration of the built, cultural and natural heritage of Wester Ross. As part of ALPS, contract opportunities will shortly become available in project evaluation and monitoring, website design and maintenance, and cultural and environmental interpretation. A significant [programme of path building will also be undertaken under the auspices of the scheme.
Expressions of interest for tendering for any of the above work should be directed to to Sam Bridgewater, Project Manager, Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme, East Wing, Applecross House, Applecross, IV54 8ND. Tel: (01520) 744482. Email: Deadline for expressions of interest will be the 1st October 2010, and for tenders, the 21st October 2010.
Heritage Curator/Archivist, Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme. Ł20,000. 3 Yr Fixed Term Contract.
Curator/archivist required to provide support to the Applecross Historical Society (AHS) and Applecross Heritage Centre (AHC). A good degree in a relevant subject is essential. Museum/historical research experience and the ability to speak gaelic are desirable.
Further information may be obtained from Further information may be obtained from Alistair MacCowan of the Applecross Historical Society: Aonachan, Camusterrach, Applecross, Strathcarron, IV54 8ND. Tel: (01520) 744265.
Email: Interviews to be held in Applecross on the 4th October. Supported by the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund.